Why a Chat Widget is Useful For Your Website

Your website visitors are looking for near instant answers without needing to click through the site links on your website.

Once you have a visitor on your website, you don't want to loose them, this may be the only chance you have to answer their question and solve their problem. If your site doesn't have an immediately clear solution or a clear means to get the answer to their question, you will loose their attention. Loosing their attention results in lost opportunities, that is not good.


with customers

GrowthChat is your customer service platform to serve your customers and increase your sales.

Automation / Multi-Channel

1. Adding Human Touch to a Digital Experience

In an increasingly digital age, the introduction of human touch in any part of a visitor's journey with your business is extremely valuable. Think of the drive through at Chik-fil-a, a large part of why people keep returning to this fast food chain is the human touch of friendly faces smiling and ready to take your order and say, "my pleasure."

Anywhere you have the ability to introduce human interactions in your daily business processes, without sacrificing too much on time, we say you should. The results will be happy visitors who become lifelong customers who forever refer your business and your services to their friends and family.

Where does a Chat Widget come into play with a human touch?

Live Chat allows visitors to your website to message with your business at anytime in the visit to the site. The human touch comes down to how you as the business choose to respond to the Chat message. Here at eGrowthLab, chats from your visitors come directly to your business' text enabled phone number where you can Continue Communication or fire Automation Triggers to help your business qualify leads, answer the most commonly asked questions, automatically book appointments, and text with visitors from your phone.

Around the Clock

Conversations can start anytime of the day, answer them in your time.

2. Continuing Communication

Website forms have been around for a very long time, they have been and remain a valuable tool in your toolbox to better serve and communicate with your customers. However, with the advent of texting, and sms becoming widely adopted for many years, businesses need to enable texting as an additional means of communication with customers.

You've already experienced this, you purchased a coffee and entered your phone number to receive your receipt. The coffeeshop now has an efficient way to give you meaningful information.

Chat operates in a similar fashion, once a visitor has submitted a question or comment, your business receives a message either to your app, your business' online management page, or directly to your phone. From this point forward you can seamlessly communicate with the visitor directly to their phone number without having to wait for delayed responses via email.




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